Hebrews (Commentaries for Christian Formation) [a review]A helpful commentary on the text aimed mostly at pastors/teachers, though it may also be helpful to an intrepid layperson.Tags: reviewhebrewscommentaryFebruary 11, 2024
HeadsMy take on what 'head' means in Ephesians 5.Tags: theology in the rawheadsauthoritylifesourceJanuary 25, 2024
ObjectivityA (hopefully) charitable engagement with Preston Sprinkle's comments about objectivity.Tags: theology in the rawpodcastobjectivitypreston sprinklehonestyJanuary 23, 2024
Rift [a review]A gripping, terrible memoir of one woman's escape from Christian Patriarchy.Tags: reviewpatriarchymemoircomplementarianismabuseJanuary 16, 2024
Extinction [a review]Just because we can bring species back from extinction, does that mean we should?Tags: extinctionwoolly mammothplanet of the apesjurassic parkactionadventureDecember 28, 2023
Gender as Love: A Theological Account of Human Identity, Embodied Desire, and Our Social Worlds [a review]A call for an epistemically restrained theological engagement with gender, threading the needle between gender essentialism and social construction.Tags: genderlovetheologyethicsintersexwomenOctober 14, 2023
The Pastoral Epistles: A Commentary on the Greek Text [a review]A thorough, exacting commentary that brings Systemic Functional Linguistics to bear upon interpreting these letters.Tags: paultimothytitusgreekreviewOctober 14, 2023
A Jewish Paul: The Messiah's Herald to the Gentiles [a review]What if Paul's problem with his fellow Jews was not works righteousness or some kind of ethnocentrism, but simply that they did not believe that Jesus was their Messiah?Tags: judaismpaultheologyJuly 26, 2023
Nobody's Mother [a review]An overview of current Artemis scholarship and how it should affect one's reading of 1 Timothy 2:15.Tags: artemisephesustheologyarchaeologyJune 12, 2023
Beneath the Swirling Sky [a review]A fun, lively adventure through the world of art for upper-elementary readers.Tags: kidsartexpressionadventureMay 5, 2023