Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood [a review]A powerfully prophetic voice to complementarian churches in their failure to disciple women well, but it fails to provide much of an alternative vision.Tags: reviewgenderaimee byrdchurchJune 6, 2020
Analog Church [a review]A thoughtful reflection on the embodied nature of the Body of Christ, and how technology can fail to deliver on the promises it makes to the church.Tags: reviewanalog churchjay kimcovidMay 20, 2020
Gentle and Lowly [a review]There are many, many books about the person and work of Christ, but there are not a lot out there like this excellent little volume that focus solely on Christ’s heart toward us.Tags: reviewgentle and lowlydane ortlundjesusApril 21, 2020
Why Pray in the Face of Tragedy?Prayer is not magical wish fulfillment, an excuse to avoid action, or an alternative to compassion. Instead, prayer drives us to care more deeply in emotional and tangible ways for those who suffer.Tags: prayeractioncompassionMarch 19, 2020
Church at Home: What to do With Your Family if You’re QuarantinedIn case you’re trapped at home on a Sunday, due to sickness or whatever else, here are some ideas to empower you to lead your family in a mini worship service together.Tags: family worshipsicknesschurchMarch 10, 2020
ESV Bible with Creeds and Confessions [a review]When I was a teenager I had an NIV teen study Bible that had pull quotes, notes interspersed in the text, and then a few articles in the back answering questions that teens might ask. It was very helpful for me, and it introduced me to the concept of…Tags: reviewESVbiblecreedsconfessionsFebruary 24, 2020
Against the Darkness [a review]A fantastic entry in Crossway's Foundations of Evangelical theology that examines the nature and roles of angels, demons, and Satan in a pastorally sensitive way.Tags: reviewagainst the darknessangelsdemonssatanFebruary 24, 2020
The Good Place [a reflection]A place without God—the source of all goodness—is a bad place.Tags: reviewthe good placeheaventeleologymoralityFebruary 5, 2020
The Business Case for TypeScriptIt's a language that can lead to greater reliability and enjoyability of the code and hospitality of the codebase. There's a solid business case to be made for it, but if you don't like it then just write JavaScript.Tags: typescriptjavascriptprogrammingstatic typingbusinessJanuary 25, 2020
Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals [a review]A fantastic case for the benefit of theological retrieval paired with four demonstrations of what it looks like. Recommended.Tags: reviewtheologyevangelicalismhistoryDecember 19, 2019