Learning in Public: Rust StructsMy attempt to talk through what I'm learning about how the Rust programming language handles data and the functions that provide relevant behavior.Tags: rustprogrammingstructsimplDecember 20, 2020
Introducing the Pseudepigrapha of Second Temple Judaism [a review]An excellent survey of an obscure literature for those who wish to better understand the Second Temple period. Note: does not include the pseudepigraphic texts.Tags: judaismPseudepigraphasecond templeDecember 14, 2020
Room of Marvels [a review]A journey through the pain of death, the hope of heaven, and the kindness of God.Tags: theodicypaindeathheavenNovember 10, 2020
Another Gospel? [a review]Orthodox answers to progressive questions. Though not perfect, this is a helpful resource for the searching.Tags: progressiveliberalchristianitytheologyOctober 24, 2020
Weep With Me [a review]Concise, humble direction on how to empathetically respond to racial injustice.Tags: racial justiceracismlamentraceSeptember 21, 2020
The Original [a review]A short, poignant lament for the over-technologized life.Tags: sci ficloningtechnologylamentSeptember 15, 2020
Communicating with Grace and Virtue: Learning to Listen, Speak, Text, and Interact as a Christian [a review]How to think about our words through the lens of virtue, as well as practical considerations about how to communicate with excellence.Tags: communicationgracevirtueAugust 25, 2020
Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope [a review]A worthwhile read for Christians who want to read and reflect upon scripture from a theologically orthodox yet non-white vantage point.Tags: blacknessracetheologyesau mccaulleyracismAugust 4, 2020
Uranus [a review]An adventure among the outer planets that asks interesting questions but fails to deliver.Tags: reviewUranussci fialiensJuly 20, 2020
Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference [a review]A brilliant set of reflections from a host of different perspectives on how to live in our pluralistic world confidently, seeking common ground with those who disagree with us.Tags: reviewcommon groundtim kellerjohn inazuraceJune 8, 2020