Upgrade [a review]An extended, action-packed sci-fi meditation on deep ethical questions about human nature. Highly recommended.Tags: sci figeneticshumanitytranshumanismFebruary 10, 2022
Age of Ash [a review]A dark, depressing fantasy about thievery, murder, and human sacrifice.Tag: fantasyJanuary 11, 2022
When Did Sin Begin? [a review]A helpful analysis of and meditation upon the question of evolution and sin.Tags: evolutionoriginscreationtheologyAugust 18, 2021
Project Hail Mary [a review]An imaginative, whimsical, thrilling extra-solar escape room. A great summer sci-fi read.Tags: sci fispacealiensplanetsMay 5, 2021
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self [a review]Interesting historical analysis and reflection on how the self became psychological, but ultimately unpersuasive and unhelpful toward cultivating common ground.Tags: historymarxgenderfreudnietzschedarwinFebruary 22, 2021
The Making of Biblical Womanhood [a review]A painful, searing, yet imperfect and uneven case against Complementarianism. Though not all her arguments persuade, hers is still a powerful word to the Complementarian church.Tags: complementarianismegalitarianismgenderwomenFebruary 1, 2021
2020: My Top Reads of the YearA list of my top reads in 2020 across seven categories.Tags: booksreviewsrecommendationsDecember 31, 2020
The Salvage Crew [a review]A strange, interesting tale of first contact that starts off strong but peters out in the home stretch.Tags: sci fiartificial intelligencealiensplanetsDecember 30, 2020
Learning in Public: Rust StructsMy attempt to talk through what I'm learning about how the Rust programming language handles data and the functions that provide relevant behavior.Tags: rustprogrammingstructsimplDecember 20, 2020
Introducing the Pseudepigrapha of Second Temple Judaism [a review]An excellent survey of an obscure literature for those who wish to better understand the Second Temple period. Note: does not include the pseudepigraphic texts.Tags: judaismPseudepigraphasecond templeDecember 14, 2020