New Explorations in the Lost World of Genesis [a review]An interesting retrospective on how John Walton's thinking has shifted on his Lost World books over the past fifteen years.Tags: genesisoriginswaltonlost worldDecember 19, 2024
Against Worldview [a review]A good, albeit imperfect, take on how to move on from 'Christian worldview' pedagogy towards the cultivation of wisdom.Tags: worldviewwisdompedagogychurchNovember 12, 2024
Scribe vs. reMarkable 2: a Review for WritersMy take on the pros and cons of the Kindle Scribe and the reMarkable 2, and which one I recommend.Tags: e readere inktabletwritingJuly 28, 2024
The Mary We Forgot [a review]An interesting exploration of Mary Magdalene and her significance for the church.Tags: mary magdalenewomenapostle to the apostlestheologyJuly 20, 2024
Citizenship Without Illusions [a review]A phenomenal little book about Christian political engagement.Tags: citizenshippoliticsvotingcivic engagementJuly 14, 2024
Between Flowers and Bones [a review]A fun and exciting follow-up in Leiloglou's Restorationists series.Tags: kidsartexpressionadventureMay 19, 2024
The Understory [a review]Wilbert invites us to walk with her through the forest and glean insights into how to grow roots again after disruption.Tags: reviewforestevangelicalismrootednessFebruary 27, 2024
Hebrews (Commentaries for Christian Formation) [a review]A helpful commentary on the text aimed mostly at pastors/teachers, though it may also be helpful to an intrepid layperson.Tags: reviewhebrewscommentaryFebruary 11, 2024
Rift [a review]A gripping, terrible memoir of one woman's escape from Christian Patriarchy.Tags: reviewpatriarchymemoircomplementarianismabuseJanuary 16, 2024
Extinction [a review]Just because we can bring species back from extinction, does that mean we should?Tags: extinctionwoolly mammothplanet of the apesjurassic parkactionadventureDecember 28, 2023
Gender as Love: A Theological Account of Human Identity, Embodied Desire, and Our Social Worlds [a review]A call for an epistemically restrained theological engagement with gender, threading the needle between gender essentialism and social construction.Tags: genderlovetheologyethicsintersexwomenOctober 14, 2023
The Pastoral Epistles: A Commentary on the Greek Text [a review]A thorough, exacting commentary that brings Systemic Functional Linguistics to bear upon interpreting these letters.Tags: paultimothytitusgreekreviewOctober 14, 2023
A Jewish Paul: The Messiah's Herald to the Gentiles [a review]What if Paul's problem with his fellow Jews was not works righteousness or some kind of ethnocentrism, but simply that they did not believe that Jesus was their Messiah?Tags: judaismpaultheologyJuly 26, 2023
Nobody's Mother [a review]An overview of current Artemis scholarship and how it should affect one's reading of 1 Timothy 2:15.Tags: artemisephesustheologyarchaeologyJune 12, 2023
Beneath the Swirling Sky [a review]A fun, lively adventure through the world of art for upper-elementary readers.Tags: kidsartexpressionadventureMay 5, 2023
Tell Her Story: How Women Led, Taught, and Ministered in the Early Church [a review]There are plenty of books that examine the lives of historical women in Scripture as a whole, and there are also plenty of books interacting with Scripture on a theological level with regard to the question of women in the Church. The downside of the…Tags: historywomenbiblenew testamentMarch 28, 2023
The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images, and Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis [a review]An insightful exploration of the Evangelical social imaginary, what makes it up, and why Evangelicalism is the way it is.Tags: social imaginarycharles taylorevangelicalismMarch 21, 2023
The Great Story and the Great Commission [a review]It is not so much that God has a mission for the church as that God has the church for his mission.Tags: great commissiongrand narrativebiblical theologyevangelismmissionFebruary 15, 2023
Critical Mass [a review]A delightful novel about how humanity gets their foothold in space.Tags: sci fimoonmass driverdaniel suarezspaceJanuary 27, 2023
Non-Toxic Masculinity: Recovering Healthy Male Sexuality [a review]A compassionate, gracious vision for a masculinity that channels embodied male advantage for the good of others.Tags: sexualitymasculinitygenderpurity culturetheologyJanuary 7, 2023
How to Inhabit Time [a review]A lovely meditation on being a creature formed and bound by the flow of history.Tags: philosophytheologytimetraumaAugust 21, 2022
Strangers and Scapegoats: Extending God's Welcome to Those on the Margins [a review]A fascinating, reflective book on the sociological/theological theme of the stranger, how strangers become scapegoats, and what hospitality can look like in a fractured world.Tags: sociologyimmigrationstrangersscapegoatsintersexJuly 18, 2022
Dawn: A Proton's Tale of All That Came to Be [a review]A fascinating and imaginative interweaving of science and religion as two harmonious narratives—even one narrative.Tags: historyevolutionbig bangtheologyscienceJune 7, 2022
The Race-Wise Family [a review]A great resource for parents who want to know how to equip their kids to understand and engage in racial justice.Tags: racefamilychildrentheologyMay 10, 2022
Robot Theology [a review]An ambitious exploration of the intersection between theology, ethics, AI, psychology, and even slavery.Tags: robotsmachine learningAItheologytechnologyracismslaveryMay 10, 2022
Upgrade [a review]An extended, action-packed sci-fi meditation on deep ethical questions about human nature. Highly recommended.Tags: sci figeneticshumanitytranshumanismFebruary 10, 2022
Age of Ash [a review]A dark, depressing fantasy about thievery, murder, and human sacrifice.Tag: fantasyJanuary 11, 2022
When Did Sin Begin? [a review]A helpful analysis of and meditation upon the question of evolution and sin.Tags: evolutionoriginscreationtheologyAugust 18, 2021
Project Hail Mary [a review]An imaginative, whimsical, thrilling extra-solar escape room. A great summer sci-fi read.Tags: sci fispacealiensplanetsMay 5, 2021
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self [a review]Interesting historical analysis and reflection on how the self became psychological, but ultimately unpersuasive and unhelpful toward cultivating common ground.Tags: historymarxgenderfreudnietzschedarwinFebruary 22, 2021
The Making of Biblical Womanhood [a review]A painful, searing, yet imperfect and uneven case against Complementarianism. Though not all her arguments persuade, hers is still a powerful word to the Complementarian church.Tags: complementarianismegalitarianismgenderwomenFebruary 1, 2021
2020: My Top Reads of the YearA list of my top reads in 2020 across seven categories.Tags: booksreviewsrecommendationsDecember 31, 2020
The Salvage Crew [a review]A strange, interesting tale of first contact that starts off strong but peters out in the home stretch.Tags: sci fiartificial intelligencealiensplanetsDecember 30, 2020
Introducing the Pseudepigrapha of Second Temple Judaism [a review]An excellent survey of an obscure literature for those who wish to better understand the Second Temple period. Note: does not include the pseudepigraphic texts.Tags: judaismPseudepigraphasecond templeDecember 14, 2020
Room of Marvels [a review]A journey through the pain of death, the hope of heaven, and the kindness of God.Tags: theodicypaindeathheavenNovember 10, 2020
Another Gospel? [a review]Orthodox answers to progressive questions. Though not perfect, this is a helpful resource for the searching.Tags: progressiveliberalchristianitytheologyOctober 24, 2020
Weep With Me [a review]Concise, humble direction on how to empathetically respond to racial injustice.Tags: racial justiceracismlamentraceSeptember 21, 2020
The Original [a review]A short, poignant lament for the over-technologized life.Tags: sci ficloningtechnologylamentSeptember 15, 2020
Communicating with Grace and Virtue: Learning to Listen, Speak, Text, and Interact as a Christian [a review]How to think about our words through the lens of virtue, as well as practical considerations about how to communicate with excellence.Tags: communicationgracevirtueAugust 25, 2020
Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope [a review]A worthwhile read for Christians who want to read and reflect upon scripture from a theologically orthodox yet non-white vantage point.Tags: blacknessracetheologyesau mccaulleyracismAugust 4, 2020
Uranus [a review]An adventure among the outer planets that asks interesting questions but fails to deliver.Tags: reviewUranussci fialiensJuly 20, 2020
Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference [a review]A brilliant set of reflections from a host of different perspectives on how to live in our pluralistic world confidently, seeking common ground with those who disagree with us.Tags: reviewcommon groundtim kellerjohn inazuraceJune 8, 2020
Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood [a review]A powerfully prophetic voice to complementarian churches in their failure to disciple women well, but it fails to provide much of an alternative vision.Tags: reviewgenderaimee byrdchurchJune 6, 2020
Analog Church [a review]A thoughtful reflection on the embodied nature of the Body of Christ, and how technology can fail to deliver on the promises it makes to the church.Tags: reviewanalog churchjay kimcovidMay 20, 2020
Gentle and Lowly [a review]There are many, many books about the person and work of Christ, but there are not a lot out there like this excellent little volume that focus solely on Christ’s heart toward us.Tags: reviewgentle and lowlydane ortlundjesusApril 21, 2020
ESV Bible with Creeds and Confessions [a review]When I was a teenager I had an NIV teen study Bible that had pull quotes, notes interspersed in the text, and then a few articles in the back answering questions that teens might ask. It was very helpful for me, and it introduced me to the concept of…Tags: reviewESVbiblecreedsconfessionsFebruary 24, 2020
Against the Darkness [a review]A fantastic entry in Crossway's Foundations of Evangelical theology that examines the nature and roles of angels, demons, and Satan in a pastorally sensitive way.Tags: reviewagainst the darknessangelsdemonssatanFebruary 24, 2020
Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals [a review]A fantastic case for the benefit of theological retrieval paired with four demonstrations of what it looks like. Recommended.Tags: reviewtheologyevangelicalismhistoryDecember 19, 2019
Against God and Nature [a review]Sin is one of those tricky words that we suppose we have a grasp of, but upon closer inspection turns out to be a bit more slippery to talk about than we first imagined. Though we might at first blush say sin is something like "doing bad things" or…Tags: godnaturesinthomas mccallSeptember 24, 2019
God and Galileo [a review]Faith vs. Science: from nearly every vantage point, there is some degree of tension between the two. Like oil and water, they just don't mix. To some, the answer to this "tension" is obvious: faith is a weird hobby you do in private like designing…Tags: david blockfaithgalileogodkenneth freemanreviewscienceMay 28, 2019
ESV Illuminated Art Journaling Bible [a review]What is the purpose of owning a personal Bible? While for some a Bible might satisfy the need to be connected to something transcendent, I'd imagine many people would purchase a Bible so as to read it. Unfortunately, a majority of English Bibles in…Tags: art journalingbiblecrosswayesvreviewFebruary 26, 2019
Stereotypical End-of-year 'Best Books' Blog Post TitleWhat makes a book good? I read a decent number of books per year, and I am always quite hesitant to rate a book higher than 4 stars, mostly because I want 5 stars to mean something beyond "I enjoyed this book." To that end, my top books of the year…Tags: amishbookschristmasevery good endeavorreadingreviewtechnologywheel of timewingfeather sagaDecember 30, 2018
ESV Archaeology Study Bible [A Review]I have a love-hate relationship with study Bibles. On the one hand, the Bible is thousands of years old, and you'd be a fool to solely rely upon your own intuition about what it all means. That's not to say there's some mystical secret da Vinci code…Tags: archaeologybible studycrosswayesvJune 23, 2018
Ready Player One [A Review]A fun adventure, but depressing in its view of the world.Tags: adventurebook reviewernest clineready player onesci fiMarch 19, 2018
Long Before Luther [A Review]"Was the Reformation doctrine of justification by faith alone an invention or a recovery?" Though Protestants might easily dismiss that question, it would be foolish to do so. The Roman Church asserts that this doctrine that is so central to…Tags: busenitzluthermasters seminarymedieval theologymoody presspatristicsreviewNovember 22, 2017
Humble Roots [A review]There have been (at least) two trends in my life over the past few years: first, I have grown rather weary of the endless parade of devotional books marching forth from evangelical printing presses, and second I have felt more and more of a desire to…Tags: booksdevotional literaturegardeninghannah andersonhumble rootsmoody pressreviewvine ripenedNovember 21, 2016
Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age [A Review]Why do greater certainty and more control only heighten our fear for what remains outside our control-especially if the possibilities are so improbable? -Bob Cutillo, MD It is a curious thing that health care, whose very existence was once solely…Tags: bob cutillohealthlifemedical establishmentpursuing health in an anxious ageOctober 11, 2016
Punderdome [A Review]I consider myself something of a connoisseur of puns. A pundit, you might say. A pun at its essence is simply a play on words, but a good pun exhibits draws an intersection between two otherwise unrelated conceptual fields in one word or phrase. A…Tags: card gamegamejo and fred firestonepunpunderdomereviewAugust 5, 2016
Home Cooked [A Review]Cooking good food is one of those things we just do not seem to have time for these days. Most folks subsist on a combination of microwaved dinners, takeout, or dine-in. When we do cook, it's usually a matter of popping open boxes from the pantry or…Tags: 10 speed pressanya fernaldbook reviewcookbookfoodhome cookedrecipesMay 22, 2016
The Water-Saving Garden [A Review]When my wife and I got married, we thought we'd try our hand at gardening-the fruits of our labor that summer were pitiful, but the joy of growing our own food carried us on. It's a wonderful feeling to grow so much food for free, but the thing is…Tags: book reviewclimate changegardeningpam penicksustainable livingwater saving gardenMarch 22, 2016
The Imperfect Pastor [A Book Review]Post-apocalyptic movies always begin the same way. The scene opens upon the heels of catastrophe-all of humanity's best laid plans have quite literally exploded around us, and the few survivors are left to pull together what remains and eke out some…Tags: book reviewimperfect pastorministrypastoral theologyzack eswineSeptember 27, 2015
The Bible Story Handbook: a Resource for Teaching 175 Stories from the Bible [A Review]The Bible Story Handbook is a useful tool that I’m glad to have on my bookshelf. I envision myself referring to this book in all my future teaching of Scripture.Tags: bible storybook reviewexegesishandbookjohn waltonteachingJune 26, 2015
The River Cottage Booze Handbook [a review]From rose hip vodka to green walnut grappa, from elder flower and gooseberry wine to blackberry cider, from puffed wheat beer to dandelion and burdock beer, it is clear that alcohol is really something of an art form for Wright. These brews are intended to stand out from the crowded shelf of normalcy.Tags: alcoholbeverageboozeforagejohn wrightreviewriver cottageJune 19, 2015
Pure Food: Eat Clean With Seasonal, Plant-Based Recipes [a review]My wife and I have been experimenting in the kitchen for the past few years, looking through various cookbooks and trying new recipes. She's been doing the lion's share of the cooking lately, and so the following review is written by her. Two topics…Tags: cookbookeatingfoodhealthypure foodrecipesveronica bosgraafApril 25, 2015
Roman Catholic Theology and Practice: An Evangelical Assessment [A Book Review]Allison offers concise, exegetically specific reasons why a certain Catholic doctrine is wanting. If there is substantial agreement, on the other hand, he says so.Tags: book reviewchurchcrosswayevangelicalismgregg allisonroman catholicismtheologyJanuary 18, 2015
Make Some Beer [A Review]"Craft beer is like wine these days," my brother offhandedly remarked to me "It's crazy how many options there are." I grew up on the front range of Colorado, which is basically micro brew mecca. It's weird if your town doesn't have a brewery. Call…Tags: beercrafterica sheahome brewmake some beermicroreviewsmall batchstephen valandSeptember 2, 2014
The Wonder-Working God [A Review]What are we supposed to do with miracles? Sigh. We could write them off as pre-scientific descriptions of very natural phenomena or we could look at them as mythological tales designed to communicate theological truth. Both of these options allow us…Tags: biblebook reviewdevotiongods storygospelgospel centeredhermeneuticsinterpretationjared wilsonjesusmiraclesmiraculouswonder working godAugust 26, 2014
Kindling a Revolution in ReadingWe bookish types are straddling two very disparate worlds right now. The old world is that of the wonderful used bookstore crammed with too many floor-to-ceiling bookshelves which are in turn crammed with too many used books, each ripe enough to give…Tags: amazonbooksdigital readingebookskindlereadingreviewAugust 8, 2014
The Word of the Lord [A Review]Hers is a name that I have seen more and more frequently over the past year on the blogs I frequent as well as on Facebook amongst my friends. Until recently, however, I had known very little about Nancy Guthrie, and so I decided to pick up one of…Tags: bible studydarren arenofskyhermeneuticshistorical speculationnancy guthrienoahprophetic literatureprophetsthe word of the lordwomenAugust 5, 2014
The Martian [A Review]"You are the only human being on Mars." A review of The Martian, a new novel by Andy Weir.Tags: andy weirmark watneymarsnovelreviewsci fithe martianJuly 4, 2014
On Preaching [A Review]Preaching is one of those things that just about everyone has a strong opinion about. Outside of Christian circles, it's a derogatory verb to describe what intolerant people do. Within Christian circles it has a more positive connotation, but still…Tags: biblebook reviewh b charleshomileticsmoodypastorpreachingJune 19, 2014
Dark Gethsemane Flooded with LightAbout a month ago I had the pleasure of reviewing Lent to Maundy Thursday, an album by local band Page CXVI. As part of their Church Calendar project, that album set the Lenten season to music. It's a lush, reflective album that has helped Lent be a…Tags: eastergood fridaylentmusicpage cxviApril 11, 2014
Lent to Maundy ThursdayPage CXVI (a reference to p. 116 in The Magician's Nephew by CS Lewis) is the name of a local Colorado band that fills a rather unusual niche: finding and repainting older hymns. They have released four albums of hymns, an album of lullabies, and are…Tags: beautifullentmaundy thursdaymusicpage cxviMarch 3, 2014
Worship Leaders, We are not Rock Stars (review)DISCLAIMER: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. The modern church is an interesting paradox. We've become cooler, more flashy, and more attractive so that those who were bored and uninterested by the…Tags: book reviewchurch musicpastorrock starstephen millerworshipworship leaderSeptember 3, 2013
Bible Savvy (Book Review)DISCLAIMER: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. How hard could it be to read a book? How hard could it be to read one book in particular, namely, the Bible? Sometimes it seems crazy to think that we need…Tags: apologeticsapplicationbiblebible savvycontexthermeneuticsinterpretationjim nicodemnarrative theologyJuly 10, 2013
The Sacrament of Evangelism (book review)Evangelism. The word, as a general rule, strikes a note of distaste into everyone's hearts. Christians hate doing it and non-Christians hate when Christians do it. So whether we admit it or not, the truth is that most of us Christians figure out…Tags: book reviewevangelismfear rejectiongospelmoody pressrelational evangelismreligionsacramentsharing faiththeologyFebruary 23, 2013
Gospel Deeps (a review)I started following Jared Wilson a few years ago at his blog, Gospel-Driven Church, when I first got hired on with my church as a college pastor. I had felt a bit frantic, not knowing what on earth I was doing. I scavenged the internet for resources…Tags: christgodgospelgospel deepsgospel centeredholy spiritjared wilsonjesusmatt chandlerJanuary 26, 2013
Making Windows 8 Suck LessA while back I posted a very brief overview of Windows 8 after I had test-driven it for about a week. Alas, it was a pretty negative review, primarily because of the fact that Windows 8 is such a touch-centric operating system. It's both a strength…Tags: multitouchpokkisoftwarestart buttontouchpadwindows 8January 19, 2013
The Road Trip that Changed the World (a Review)DISCLAIMER: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. "The unlikely theory that will change how you view culture, the church, and most importantly, yourself" is the apt subtitle for one of the most intriguing…Tags: book reviewcultural commentaryjack kerouacon the roadroad triptheologyNovember 10, 2012
The Last Superhero (A Review)The Last Superhero, courtesy of The Blazing Center. The Last Superhero truly is a novel of Danger & Supense, as the cover suggests. It's a fun little novel published on Kindle, and you can get it for $0.99! The story is the self-aware and sarcastic…Tags: bookfunnovelreviewstephen altroggesuperheroesthe last superheroOctober 27, 2012
A Cross-Shaped Gospel (Book Review)DISCLAIMER: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review. A few months ago I purchased my first crock pot at a yard sale for $5, and it has served me well. I've enjoyed many scrumptious soups and stews out of it…Tags: bryan lorittsclassismcross shapedeconomicgospelgospel centeredhorizontalpoliticsracial reconciliationracial wallsreligionsocial gospeltheologyverticalJuly 6, 2012
Kingdom Man (Book review)In this approachable book weighing in just over 200 pages, Dr. Tony Evans seeks to help men step up out of apathy and into their God-given role as leaders and, well, men. Written in the same vein as Wild at Heart by John Eldridge, Evans takes issue…Tags: manhoodmasculinitymenJune 2, 2012
Book Review - DO HARD THINGS (Alex and Brett Harris)I received my copy of DO HARD THINGS about two weeks ago and was able to finish it earlier this week. It reads quickly and is engaging and interesting. More important than anything, though, is the content. It's a message that many teenagers (and even…May 4, 2008